Assignment 5

Web Project - online portfolio - create a Web site to display projects created in this class.

  1. Sign up for a VCU Web account - ramsites ( We will cover in class. Email Cindy your url.
  2. Organize your content - Create a folder to put all Web content; For Logo, use Illustrator Save For Web (you may use the logo you created in Project 2. Feel free to modify it, if necessary). Save as a gif; make jpg thumbnails of Project 3 & 4 (open pdf in Photoshop, size and Save for Web); Use Photoshop to Save for Web any other photos you wish to use in jpg format.
  3. Create a Web site in Dreamweaver. Site must have three pages: Home (index.html), Projects (projects.html), Links (links.html). Home page should have one photo and introductory content, contact info., and date; Projects page will have descriptions of Projects 3 &4, thumbnails and links to pdfs; Links page will have your favorite links with descriptions of why you like them or what they are.
  4. Use Fetch to upload all files (html, pdf, jpg, gif) to your ramsites account. Enjoy your new Web site!