course outline






Course Survey




Jan. 19

Introductions, Review of Syllabus, Questions, Setup blog, fillout form
Assign 1: Setup blog and Introduce Yourself


Jan. 21

I. Theories of Technology, Media and Science
Overview of Media History

Dennis, Baron, “From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technologies” in Passions, Pedagogies and 21st Century Technologies, 1999, pp. 15-33 - handout.

Brown, John Seeley & Duguid, Paul, "The Social Life of Documents," 1996

Media History Timeline

Assign 1 Due

Jan. 24

Media History Continued
Ong, Walter, "Orality, Literacy, and Modern Media," Communication in History, 2003 pp. 64-70 in course packet.

Havelock, Eric, "The Greek Legacy, Communication in History, 2003 pp. 53-58 in course packet.


Jan. 26

History of Science
Bridgestock, Martin, “The Scientific Community” in Science, Technology and Society: An Introduction, Ed. Martin Bridgestock et al., Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 15-39 in course packet.


Jan. 28

Innovation Theory
Rogers, Everett M., "Diffusion of Innovations," Chapter 1, 2003 in course packet.


Jan. 31

Media Determinism or Social Construction
McLuhan, Marshall from Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,
Read “Introduction” and “The Medium is the Message.”

Mackenzie, Donald & Wajcman, Judy, The Social Shaping of Technology, 2002 in course packet.
"Introductory Essay," pp. 3-27
Kline & Pinch, "The Social Construction of Technology," p. 113-115


Feb. 2

What is New Media?
Murray, Janet, “Inventing the Medium,” in The New Media Reader, pp. 3-12 in course packet.

Manovich, Lev, “New Media: From Borges to HTML," in The New Media Reader, pp. 13-25 in course packet.

Landow, George, “Hypertext and Critical Theory," in Reading Digital Culture, pp. 98-109. - optional


Feb. 4

New Media, Continued
Bush, Vannevar, “As We May Think,” in Reading Digital Culture, Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp. 9-13.

Englebart, Douglas, from Augmenting Human Intellect (1962), in The New Media Reader, pp. 93-108 in course packet.

Assign 2: What is technology? Find a common definition and then elaborate on the meaning of technology in your life.
Video: Douglas Englebart demonstration of Human Intellect system.


Feb. 7

II. Information Technologies
Printing Press

Bolter, Jay David, “Seeing and Writing" in The New Media Reader, pp. 679-690 in course packet.

Lacy, Dan, “Printing,” From Grunts to Gigabytes: Communications and Society, U. of Illinois Press, 1996, 19-36 in course packet.

Assign 2 Due

Feb. 9

Fischer, Claude S., America Calling: A Social History of the Telephone to 1940, 1992, Chapters 1 & 2. Ebook The link will take you to UTNetCAT; Click on link for Ebook. UTEID required

PBS gallery of telephones


Feb. 11

online: history of radio
Ken Burns: Empire of the Air - PBS
Balk, Alfred, “In Radio’s Past: A Hint of the Internet’s Future,” New York Times, August 16, 1998 - balk.html


Feb. 14

online – history of television:
Raymond, Williams, “The Technology and the Society,” (1972), in The New Media Reader, pp. 291-300 in course packet.

Assign 3: What role do the technologies discussed (print, radio, phone, TV) play in your life?


Feb. 16

Online: timeline of computer history
Video: History of Computers

Assign 3 Due

Feb. 18

Exam I


Feb. 21

III. Internet and Related Technologies
Internet & Web
Video: History of Internet

Plant, Sadie, “ada” in Reading Digital Culture, Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp. 14-16.


Feb. 23

History of Internet and Web, continued
Berners-Lee, Tim, Weaving the Web , 1999, pp. 1-51 in course packet.

Bargh & McKenna, "The Internet and Social Life", Annual Psychology Review, Feb. 2004, bargh.pdf

Imagining The Internet - Elon University/Pew Internet and American Life Project

Video: History of the Web


Feb. 25

Wired Magazine
History of Wired -

Wired Magazine: The Voice of the Corporate Revolution

Assign 4: Review Wired Mag online - look through archive by cover; What is your impression of Wired?; what is its purpose?; who is its target market?


Feb. 28

Pew Internet and American Life Studies
Internet Evolution
The Future of the Internet

America’s Online Pursuits
The Internet and Daily Life
Evershifting Population
The Internet goes to college
Broadband Access

CANCELED: Assign 5: List three favorite Web sites and why?

Assign 4 Due

Mar. 2

Search Engines
Googlemania -
Nikki Swartz, “Google’s New Email Service Sparks Privacy Concerns,” The Information Management Journal, July/August 2004. - google.pdf

Search Engine Users - Pew

Google Fortunes, 60 Minutes -

Google video CBS Sunday Morning
Assign 6: Search engine Exercise – search out an assigned topic; explain your search strategy, search engines used, sites visited. Explain any false starts or problems encountered. Topics will be assigned in class.


Mar. 4


Assign 6 Due

Mar. 7

Web Credibility
Evaluating Web Resources and Web Wisdom handout

Flanagin, Andrew J. & Metzger, Miriam J., “Perceptions of Internet Information Credibility,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Autumn, 2000 in course packet. - peruse result, don't worry about significance tables.

Assign 7: Pick a Web site that provides news or reference information and assess for crediblity using the resources addressed in class.


Mar. 9

Online Journalism
Pavlik, John, Journalism and New Media, 2001, Intro. and Chpt. 1 in course packet

Dennis, Everette & Pavlik, John, “The Coming of Convergence and its Consequences,” Demystifying media technology : readings from the Freedom Forum Center , 1993 in course packet.

Poynter New Media Timeline
Convergence Defined
Moving Online Into the Newsroom


Mar. 11

No Class Today

Assign 7 Due

Mar. 14-18

Spring Break


Mar. 21

Identity in Cyberspace
Video: Turkle


Mar. 23

Identity in Cyberspace
Turkle, Sherry, “Who Am We?” in Reading Digital Culture, 2001.

Nakamura, Lisa, “Race In/For Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial Passing on the Internet,” in Reading Digital Culture, 2001.


Mar. 25

No class - Good Friday (Discussion section canceled today, too)



Mar. 28

Digital Divide- Gender
Miller, Laura, “Women and Children First: Gender and the Settling of the Electronic Frontier,” in Reading Digital Culture, Blackwell Publishers, 2001.

Shade, Leslie Regan, “Bending Gender into the Net: Feminizing Content, Corporate Interests, and Research Strategy,” in Society Online, Sage, 2004 in course packet.

Kotamraju, Nalini P., “Art vs. Code: The Gendered Evolution of Web Design Skills,” in Society Online, Sage, 2004 in course packet.

MEN, WOMEN & COMPUTERS, By: Kantrowitz, Barbara, Rosenberg, Debra, Newsweek, 00289604, 5/16/94, Vol. 123, Issue 20
link - UTEID required

Department of Commerce Studies:
A Nation Online: Entering the Broadband Age 2004 -
A Nation Online: How Americans are Expanding their Use of the Internet 2002-

Video: Digital Divide

Digital Divide-Race/Ethnicity
Nakamura, Lisa, “Interrogating the Digital Divide: The Political Economy of Race and Commerce in New Media,” in Society Online, Sage, 2004 in course packet.

Hoffman, Donna & Novak, Thomas, "Bridging the Racial Divide on the Internet," Science, 4/17/1998, link UTEID required

Pew Center Studies:
African-Americans and the Internet
Hispanics and the Internet

Asian Americans and the Internet: The Young and the Connected

Assign 8: How is your identity constructed by technology? How does your identity (race, gender, etc.) construct your relationship with technology?


Mar. 30

Legal Issues- Copyright and Intellectual Property
Lessig, Lawrence, "Control and Creativity," American Spectator, Jan/Feb 2004 link UTEID required.

Lessig, Lawrence, "Protecting Mickey Mouse at Art's Expense," New York Times, January 18, 2003. lessig.html

Lessig, Lawrence, "How I Lost the Big One," Legal Affairs, March/April 2004.

How I Learned to Love Larry, Hilary Rosen in Wired, November 2004.


Web sites:
UT Crash Course in Copyright
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Lessig’s Site


Assign 8 Due

Apr. 1

Video: Lessig

Music Sharing
Mix, Burn, Rip -February 2003

"Fight for Your Right To Copy" Issue, November 2994
Sample the Future
The Remix Masters

The Long Tail, October 2004

Pew Center Study:
Musicians attitudes

Assign 9: How do you feel about music sharing? How does it effect the consumer, the recording industry, and the artists?


Apr. 4

Exam II (rescheduled from 4/1)



Apr. 6

Music Sharing, Continued


Apr. 8

Online Communities
Rheingold, Howard, “The Virtual Community,” in Reading Digital Culture, 2001

Poster, Mark, "Cyber Democracy: The Internet and the Public Sphere," in Reading Digital Culture, 2001

Ryan, Oliver, "Gawker Grows Up," Fortune, 10/18/2004 link UTEID required

Assign 9 Due

Apr. 11

PressThink Weblogs

Lee, Jennifer, “Year of the Blog? Web Diarists Are Now Official Members of Convention Press Corps,” New York Times, July 26, 2004. -lee.html

Johnson, Thomas J. & Kaye, Barbara K., " Wag the Blog: How Reliance on Traditional Media and the Internet Influence Credibility Perceptions of Weblogs Among Blog Users, " Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Autumn 2004, pp. 622-642 in course packet.

Rosenbush, Steve, "Too Much Buzz on the Blog, Newsweek Online,

Pew Center Study:
The Internet and Democratic Debate
The State of Blogging

Web sites:


Apr. 13

Religion Online from A to Z, Yahoo Internet Life - link UTEID required

Parker, Suzi, "Dotcom Churches: Ministry or Marketing," Christian Science Monitor, 2/16/2001, link UTEID required

McLaughlin, Abraham, "Cyberfaith: Gimme that Online Religion," Christian Science Monitor, 4/22/99, link UTEID required

Religion is Big News on the Net - Online Journalism Review

Pew Center
Faith Online


Apr. 15

Internet Addiction
Belluck, Pam “Stuck on the Web: The Symptoms of Internet Addiction,” New York Times, December 1, 1996. –belluck.html

Online Site
Net Addiction -

Online dating and relationships
Harmon, Amy, “Online Dating Sheds its Stigma,” New York Times, June 29, 2003. –harmon.html

Brooks, David, “Love, Internet Style,” New York Times, November 8, 2003.-brooks.html

Tedeschi, Bob, Social Networks: Will Users Pay To Get Friends? New York Times, Feb. 9, 2004. - tedeschi_social.html

Jenkins, Henry, “Love Online,” MIT Technology Review, April 4, 2004. - Jenkins-loveonline.pdf

Parks, Malcolm, “Making Friends in Cyberspace,” Journal of Communication, Winter 1996 in course packet.

Online sites:


Apr. 18


“This is a Naked Lady,” Wired

Griffiths, Mark, “Sex on the Internet: Observations and Implications for Internet Sex Addiction,” Journal of Sex Research, Nov2001, Vol. 38, Issue 4-
link - UTEID required

Janofsky, Michael, “What Would Dewey Do? Libraries Grapple With Internet,” New York Times, December 2, 2002. - janofsky.html

Schwartz, John, “Sex and the Supreme Court: Internet Filters Are: [Good] [Bad] [Both],” New York Times, July 4, 2004.- schwartz.html


Apr. 20

Fandom and Personal Sites
Shefrin, Elana, “Lord of the Rings , Star Wars , and participatory fandom: mapping new congruencies between the internet and media entertainment culture,” Critical Studies in Media Communication, Sep2004 in course packet.

Pew Center
Content Creation Report


Online Shopping and Gambling
The Great Library of Amazonia

Tedeschi, Bob, “Forbidden to offer online games of chance, American companies turn to games of skill,” New York Times, May 24, 2004.- tedeschi.html


Apr. 22

Open Source Issues
Linus Torvalds
GNU Manifesto
We Pledge Allegiance to the Penguin
The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond

Video: Revolution OS

Assign 10: What is the difference between open source and free software? How do you feel about the open source movement? What are the benefits and disadvantages?


Apr. 25

Open Source continued


Apr. 27

Video Games
“Aggression and Violent Media,” The Futurist, July/August 2004.-videogames.pdf

Erard, Michael, “The Ivy-Covered Console,” New York Times, February 26, 2004. erard.html

Assign 10 Due

Apr. 29

Online distance education
Nobles, David, "Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education," 1998.

White, Frank, "Digital Diploma Mills: A Dissenting Voice," 1999.

Diplomas for Sale, CBS News, Read article and watch video

Hamilton University Web site


May 2

Instant Messaging & cell phones
Rheingold, Howard, "Smart Mobs: The Power of the Mobile Many (Chapter 7)," in Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution, 2002 in course packet.

Super Cell Phones, PC World, December 2004 - cellphone.pdf

Pew Center
How Americans Use Instant Messaging


May 4

Future Issues: nanotech, semantic Web, Internet 2

Nanotech: Beyond the Hype and Fear - Business Week, May 6, 2004

Nanotechnology Now

Voice Over IP, Business Week Special Report, January 6, 2004

"Sir Tim Berners-Lee: He Created the Web. Now He's Working on Internet 2," MIT Technology Review, October 2004. berners-berners-lee.pdf


May 6




Final Exam Sat 14 May, 9 to 12n




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Webmaster: Cindy Royal